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Lola Beerendonk

I started my PhD at the Department of Psychology of the University of Amsterdam in January 2018. In my NWO funded PhD project, I will investigate the influence of cortical state and neuromodulation on conscious perception. To this end, I will combine EEG, pupillometry, behavioral manipulations, and pharmacological interventions. Hereby, I hope to elucidate the influence of fluctuations in endogenous activity on consciousness.

Before starting my PhD, I studied Natural and Social Sciences (‘Bèta-Gamma’, BSc) and Brain and Cognitive Sciences (MSc) at the University of Amsterdam. During my first research internship at the Consciousness and Cognition Lab at the University of Cambridge, I studied the influence of wakefulness on cognitive control. I investigated the neural correlates of consciousness in a no-report paradigm during my second internship, which was supervised by Simon van Gaal.

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